October 22, 2008

Day ThirtyFive.

I finished writing in one of my notebooks that I started writing in last summer.
Here are some of the things I wrote that aren't incredibly embarrassing. :)

May, June, July, August, 2007.

Just sitting on my roof
Listening to the cars drive by
Watching life pass me by
Letting myself be swallowed up
By the darkness
Becoming nothing.
Becoming something.
And then when its quiet,
When there aren't anymore cars driving by,
I'll climb through my window, back to my room.
And time will start again.
It won't just be me anymore.
And I'll fall asleep.

Last night I dreamt that it was
Me and you against the world.
We didn't need anyone else.
And when I woke up,
I just wanted you again.
Another chance.
Because I liked it when we were
Fighting for freedom together.

And it hurts to say
But I'll miss you more
And less everyday.
Because nothing woke me up
Like listening to you.

Why is it that I finally get what I want
And I don't want it.
Because now that you're gone,
I can't imagine wanting anything more
than you.

You are the most
amazing thing that's happened
to me this summer.
And I hate you now that you've left me.

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