September 23, 2008

Day Seven.

One thing I've seen and experienced in high school is everything seems so much larger than life.
Every little incident in your day seems definitive,
Every person who notices you, every person who looks at you decides if you will go home with your head held high, or fall asleep in a pitiful ball, soaked in your own tears.

The truth is outside of this little bubble,
No one gives a shit about the girl next to you with the bleached blond hair who gets fucked up every weekend with her "friends".
Because, "Partying" and "Chilling with friends" are not hobbies, and what you love and what you do is what defines you. If you can't find anything to focus yourself into, and express yourself through, what are you? No one. Just another pretty face. Who will grow up, and get old.
And then be just another sad, lonely middle aged person working at a minimum wage fast food joint.
You know exactly who I'm talking about.
They kind of people you look at and wonder,
"What the fuck happened to them."

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